This project centered on the comprehensive editing of a coaching manual for a fitness training department. The process included substantive editing, copyediting, and layout adjustments, aiming to produce a clear and user-friendly manual for new trainers.
This project offered my first real-world experience in comprehensive editing, as I worked on a coaching manual for a fitness training department. After initially assessing the document’s usability, I worked closely with the client to clarify their needs and expectations. My process involved substantive editing to refine content structure and tone, followed by rounds of copyediting and proofreading to enhance clarity and readability.
The manual included training protocols and client interaction guidelines, making it essential that the content be accurate, accessible, and easy to navigate. Using Microsoft Word for tracked changes and Canva for layout, I adapted digital tools to enhance the document’s instructional effectiveness. By transforming this manual into a polished, functional resource, I deepened my editing skills, developed client communication experience, and practiced tailoring language to fit a professional coaching context, ultimately creating a user-friendly guide for new trainers.